A MAZE. / Berlin 2023


Colorful Brutalist Web Design with Dynamic Generative Art.
For the fourth year in a row, 1XN had the privilege of creating the website for A MAZE. / Berlin 2023, an international festival for playful media and arthouse video games.
Web Design
Web development
CMS Management
Generative Art

Using the lightning-fast HUGO static site generator, we crafted a unique and vibrant web style that perfectly captured the playful and arthouse spirit of A MAZE. / Berlin 2023. To showcase the impressive 250+ entries, we seamlessly pulled data from the Festival Drupal award submission database to automatically generate all the web pages. Additionally, we developed a dynamic python script that produced hundreds of variations of stunning background art, providing a fresh look on each frontpage reload. The website’s graphic layers, crafted by FUK, a Berlin-based design studio, perfectly complemented our design philosophy.

Our CMS management ensured that updating the website was a breeze, enabling the A MAZE. team to manage their content with ease. We deployed the website to Netlify, with Github as the repository, ensuring a speedy and reliable performance. With our expertise in web design and development, we created a stunning website that perfectly showcased the festival’s innovative and creative spirit, capturing the hearts of playful media enthusiasts and arthouse game lovers alike.

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The clients say

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Thorsten S. Wiedemann

Founder and CEO

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